2 June 2024, Sunday, 11:19
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ATACMS Strike Russian MiG-31K Aircraft In Belbek

ATACMS Strike Russian MiG-31K Aircraft In Belbek

Satellite images have been published.

The Belbek airfbase in Crimea was attacked on the night of May 15. A fire was recorded there, it is possible that Russian aircraft were damaged.

This is reported by Krym.Realii and Defense Express.

Krym.Realii published satellite images showing a fire. It happened on May 15 at the Belbek airbase.

The 38th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the Russian Federation and the Sevastopol Emergency Rescue Center are stantioned in Belbek. 12 Su-27 aircraft, 12 Su-27SM aircraft, 3 Su-27UB combat training aircraft and 5 Su-30M2 aircraft are based there.

Earlier, the satellite images for March 31 were published online, where you can see which aircraft were at the Belbek airbase (except those in shelters, if any). The photo shows 24 aircraft and six helicopters, including 4 MiG-31K fighter-interceptors. These aircraft are carriers of the Khinzal missiles.

Defense Express notes that if we compare these images and the map of fires at the Belbek airfield, we can assume that the MiG-31K was hit today.

"If we compare these images and the map of fires on the territory of the airbase after the strike, we can assume that ATACMS could strokethe MiG-31K," analysts wrote.

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