18 сакавiка 2025, aўторак, 4:23
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Brian K. Doan, 16:24, 26.06

Well, now this is encouraging news. A commendable undertaking by the Zeltser family, the U.S. Department of State and the Belarusian Foreign Ministry. Contingent on the results of the attending physician's examination of Mr. Zeltser's current state of health, it could go a long way to improving the world's image of the treatment of prisoners in Belarus, far more so than the prepackaged image Lord Timmy Bell will generate under his sealed contract to improve President Alexander Lukashenko's image. This one is real, absent of Lord Timmy Bell's spin. It is a humanitarian gesture the world needs to see more of and it does not carry the exorbitant price tag to the taxpayers of Belarus Lord Timmy Bell's canned image carries.

The only thing that could best it from a public relations standpoint is to have the Belarusian authorities recognized 1) the Georgian court ruling on the authenticity of documents Mr. Zeltser was accused of forging and 2) the legitimacy under U.S. law of the prescription medication Mr. Zeltser was charged with after the Georgian court ruling exonerated him of the fraud he was accused of by Boris Berezovsky's attorney Michele Duncan.

Yet more proof that doing "the done thing" under fair and impartial rules of law reaps lasting rewards in the public's interest. No amount of pre-canned imagery can touch it.

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