17 сакавiка 2025, панядзелак, 23:19
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Каментары 3
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., 17:01, 30.07

Раз закрылись за дверями, значит есть, что скрывать.
А честного суда у нас в стране уже давно НЕТ !

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Brian K. Doan, 18:51, 30.07

As of this writing, the only witnesses scheduled to appear at Emanuel Zeltser's trial are members of Boris Berezovsky's entourage of disinformation specialists, whom he has used to promulgate propaganda against the leadership of Russia--one and the same disinformation specialists he used to ferment his fallacious allegations of a state sponsored assassination of Alexander Litvinenko and the Belsan School massacre.

The trial is closed the public to prevent the public from what is certain to be a charade, a sham, orchestrated by Berezovsky through his last remaining Soviet era ally, Alexandre Lukashenko, in what may well be the heist of the Century--a $6billion heist, half of Badri Patarkatsishvili's $12 billion estate, of which Berezovsky alleges he is entitled, No better cohort in this egregious crime than Lukashenko and his prosecutor general Grigoriy Vasilevich. If members of British Parliament have they way, Berezovsky will be in need of place of asylum and Belarus may be it. Six billion dollars will go a long way toward buying him his new safe haven in Belarus, especially given Lukashenko's mounting disaffection with Russia over increases in energy prices.

The crest of the wave Berezovsky has been riding has finally broken, at least in the UK. And it broke over Emanuel Zeltser's case in Rupert Murdoch's Times, no less, yesterday. A must read to get the West's perspective on this heinous trial is the article published by Dominic Kennedy and Mark Hollingsworth. Noteworthy is that Lord Philip Goldsmith, representing Badri Patarkatsishvili's widow, Ina Gudavadze, has withdrawn from his collaboration with Belarusian authorities on Zeltser's case in opposition to Berezvosky having orchestrated the false arrest, imprisonment and the ensuing torture of Zeltser inflicting on Zeltser during is incarceration. .

From The Times
July 30, 2008

Lord Goldsmith caught up in 'oligarch riddle'
Dominic Kennedy and Mark Hollingsworth

Lord Goldsmith caught up in 'oligarch riddle'
Dominic Kennedy and Mark Hollingsworth
Lord Goldsmith, the former Attorney-General, has become embroiled in a suspected sting that resulted in a top anti-mafia lawyer being put on trial in secret in Belarus today.

Emanuel Zeltser, who once testified on Capitol Hill about the Russian mob, is a key character in a wrangle over the $12billion (£6billion) fortune of a Georgian oligarch found dead at his country home in Surrey. He was arrested after flying to Belarus and accused of possessing false documents. According to Amnesty International, he has been tortured in custody.

Quite how Mr Zeltser ended up in Belarus is a mystery. The lawyer flew there on a private aircraft owned by the exiled oligarch Boris Berezovsky - even though Mr Zeltser and Mr Berezovsky are on opposite sides in the fight for the fortune of the dead Georgian, Arkadi Patarkatsishvili.

A law firm representing Mr Berezovsky had already tipped off the authorities in Minsk that the lawyer might be carrying bogus material on his laptop. Lord Goldsmith, now a private lawyer and representing Mr Patarkatsishvili's widow in the case, e-mailed the Belarus Prosecutor General's office to support its investigation of Mr Zeltser and offering to swap information. His spokesman has insisted that, after mistreatment allegations were made, he urged that Mr Zeltser be dealt with properly and withdrew the offer to help.

Today's trial - to be held behind closed doors - is the latest twist arising from the death of Mr Patarkatsishvili, who was found dead at home in Letterhead in February. A post-mortem examination showed that he had severe heart disease.

Mr Berezovsky wants half of the $12billion legacy, since he and Mr Patarkatsishvili were business partners as well as close friends. The widow, Inna Gudanadze, is also seeking a share. However, Josef Kay, Mr Patarkatsishvili's adviser, claims that he controls the estate. Mr Zeltser, a New York lawyer, said that he was Mr Kay's lawyer and produced a laptop computer with scanned documents dated last November purporting to be a will appointing Mr Kay as executor.

On March 3 a letter was sent by Cadwalader, at that time acting for the widow and coincidentally Mr Berezovsky's law firm, to the Belarus Prosecutor-General alerting him to the alleged forgeries. There was no mention of any forthcoming visit by Mr Zeltser to Belarus.

On March 12 Mr Zeltser and his secretary boarded Mr Berezovsky's aircraft in London and flew to Minsk, where they were arrested. Lord Goldsmith sent his e-mail on March 19, saying that he now represented the widow and proposing co-operation.

Mr Zeltser has been accused of use of false documents and industrial espionage. He has also been charged with drug trafficking in relation to the prescription painkillers he takes for gout and arthritis, which contain codeine. He faces seven years in jail.

The US has demanded Mr Zeltser's release on humanitarian grounds, saying that his health may suffer irreversibly and that he may die. Friends of Mr Berezovsky denied he had anything to do with the arrest.

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Nicolas Nidvoras, 13:24, 31.07

В то время, как Марк Зельцер пытается доказать, что его брата подпоили отравой и отправили в Минск против его воли (вместо Майями), Джозеф Кей комментирует это так:

"... перед тем, как у Зельцера появилась идея ехать в Беларусь, он сказал мне: "Джозеф, ты тоже должен поехать, потому что Борис говорит, что там есть бизнес, и если мы не поедем туда и не заявим о своих правах, Лукашенко передаст это кому-нибудь другому. А Бадри уже это купил, поэтому мы должны быстрее лететь, иначе семья просто потеряет это богатство.... Я сказал Зельцеру, что не поеду: во-первых, потому, что я не верю, что у Бадри там что-то было. Во-вторых, сказал, что, может, ему не стоит доверять Березовскому... ".

- «Когда в товарищах согласья нет, на лад их дело не пойдет», - гласит мораль известной басни Крылова...

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