17 сакавiка 2025, панядзелак, 20:38
Сім сім,
Хартыя 97!

Беразоўскі таемна прыехаў у Менск?


Брат Эмануіла Зельцэра сцвярджае, што расейскі бізнэсовец Барыс Беразоўскі даў паказанні ў Менскім гарадскім судзе ў якасці сведкі.

Каментары 10
0 +
ian, 8:44, 7.08

Прекрасно, почему бы не сдать березовского москве, которая его давно разыскивает, а если его не сдают, значит они все заодно и дурят народ как хотят

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Observer, 10:28, 7.08

А ведь мог Лукашенко спалить Березовского и выдать его Путину. И решил бы вопросы с ценами на газ на будущий год.

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Который разочарован, 10:34, 7.08

to Observer.
Ну вот видете, значит не мог :)

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Сашка, 10:36, 7.08

Observer, 10:28, 7.08
"А ведь мог Лукашенко спалить Березовского и выдать его Путину. И решил бы вопросы с ценами на газ на будущий год."

Лука не дурак ибо знает что после этого поступка станет жертвой снаепера на очередных "дажжинках" это в лучшем случае а в худшем повторит судьбу Александра Литвиненко приняв на завтрак в Пекине немного полония...

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Svolka, 11:01, 7.08

А бы ло бы весело, если бы лука березовского росии выдал.
У нас же типа одна зона.

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Андрей, 11:19, 7.08

Кто же спонсора выдаст? Свояк свояка видит из далека... Главнае все чэсна...

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Котик, 13:57, 7.08

Интересно, если Березовкий и правду был в Минске будет ли Вовка снимать штаны с Сашки? или чего-то другое сделает?

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Val, 15:02, 7.08

Лондон -> Тбилиси -> Киев -> Минск. Хронология похолоданий, или зарубежный вояж Абрамыча.

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Brian K. Doan , 17:12, 7.08

Under Belarus' extradition treaty with Russia, Belarus is required by law to extradite Berezovsky to Russia, where he stands convicted of crimes by Moscow City Court and has been sentenced to seven years imprisonment.

Bespeaks legions of justice Belarusian-style when Belarus officials--from President Lukashenko to Prosecutor General Vasilevich on down the line of command over the judicial system--violates the law to allow a convicted felon to testify in what is viewed by the leadership of the western world, and its neighboring Russia, as the farcical trial of the century.

Still ever Paul Klebnikov's Godfather of the Kremlin, Berezovsky is using his last remaining Soviet era ally and friend, Lukashenko, to flaunt in the face of justice the impunity he enjoyed under President Yeltsin for the egregious crimes of which he now stands convicted under former President Putin that he is so infamously known to have committed during his reign as Russia's most feared Mafia enforcer throughout the 1990s.

As with the notorious Last Stand of U.S. Major General George Armstrong Custer's, Berezovsky's orchestration of the false arrest of Emanuel Zeltser may prove to be his Last Stand as the ever increasing in strength and numbers members of British Parliament organize to appeal enmass to the Foreign Office to force a revisitation by Britain's High Court of his asylum status. Britain, no less then the U.S., views Berezovsky's orchestration of Zeltser's arrest as an egregious crime. His resorting to the last remaining professed Stalinist era dictator, a dictator who is barred from entry into Britain and the U.S. for his notorious violations of human rights, to obtain the false conviction and imprisonment of Zeltser has provided the fuel to re-ignite a revisitation of his refugee status.

Zeltser's arrest was orchestrated by Berezovsky from British soil, when he knowingly conspired with Lukashenko to arrest Zeltser, and his secretary Vladlena Funk, as they descended his private jet at Minsk airport on 12 March 2008. Zeltser's arrest was put in place on 3 March 2008 through Berezovsky's attorney, Michele Duncan, who had cajoled Badri Patarkatsishvili's widow, Inna Gudavadze, into writing a letter to Prosecutor Vasilevich alerting him that Joseph Kay and Zeltser may attempt to claim rights to Patarkatsishvili's Belarusian assets using documents believed to be forgeries, one and the same claims made by Duncan in London that were rejected by Scotland Yard as lacking in evidence. Gudavadze wisely dismissed Duncan as her attorney, replacing her with Lord Philip Goldsmith, who has subsequently withdrawn his client's prior agreement to collaborate with Prosecutor General Vasilevich. Having generated the only witnesses to testify against Zeltser, Berezovsky now stands alone as Zeltser's sole accuser.

Under UK law submitting false evidence in a criminal investigation that leads to a false arrest and conviction of the falsely accused constitutes a felony crime of perjury. To the crime of perjury can be added the felony crime of a conspiracy to defraud the estate of Badri Patarkatsishvili through the unlawful entrapment of Zeltser to prevent Zeltser from exercising his rights to due process of law in a U.S. court of law to produce estate documents that would relinquish control of the $12 billion estate of Patarkatsishvili to his appointed executor, Joseph Kay, the latter of whom has been recognized by a court of competent jurisdiction in Georgia as the lawful executor of Patarkatsishvili's estate.

At risk to Berezovsky is his claim to fifty percent (50%) of the estate assets, or $6 billion (USD), which may include the stock interest he holds in U.S. companies, most notably President George Herbert Bush's brother Neil Bush's Ignite, Inc.,where he sits on the Board of Directors with former President George Herbert Walker Bush and former First Lady Barbara Bush. Zeltser's release from prison in Belarus would enable him to present the estate documents executed by Patarkatsishvili to a competent court of jurisdiction in the U.S. that could conceivably give Kay control over Berezovsky's stock interest in Ignite, Inc. U.S. State Department's demand for Zeltser's immediate release from prison on humanitarian grounds is indicative of the changing tide against Berezovsky with the powers that be in the U.S.

The sale of his New York City Trump Tower apartment this week, an apartment he has owned since 2001 but has never occupied, given U.S. prohibitions against his entry into the U.S., lends credence to the U.S. National Security Council's long held concern to the national security risks Berezovsky poses to the U.S. As with members of British Parliament, Berezovsky's unlawful orchestration of the arrest of a U.S. citizen by the leader of a despotic nation, whom the U.S. has severed its diplomatic ties and imposed economic sanctions against, is fueling some members of Congress to call for a revisitation of his business investments in the U.S., which may explain the haste of which he sold his Trump Tower apartment. Seizure of his U.S. held assets on his mind, no doubt!

Berezovsky's orchestration of Zeltser's arrest is proving to be an ill-thought out tactical error of humongous proportions, an act of desperation by a desperation man who stands to lose control of $6 billion in assets he alleges he commingled with and entrusted to the management of Patarkatsishvili. Can anyone of sound mind doubt that Lukashenko stands to profit financially from his conspicuously obvious agreement with Berezovsky to used the Belarusian courts, notorious for their violations of rules of law and humanitarian rights, to obtain a premeditated false conviction against Zeltser?

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Dedpihto, 20:14, 7.08

«tactical error of humongous proportions»

- Очень верно осветил положение. Хорошо врезал супостату.

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