16 сакавiка 2025, Нядзеля, 2:49
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Каментары 5
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усцаты-паласаты, 10:04, 10.04

Ай,яй,яй...кто бы мог подумать??Евродепутаты поражают своей прозорливостью!Щас Европ рухнет как карточный домик лучше бы о себе подумали.

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ян, 12:30, 10.04

Не понимаю, как может цивилизованная Европа верить этим так называемым белорусским политикам?

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Михась, 13:06, 10.04

ян, 12:30, 10.04
Не понимаю, как может цивилизованная Европа верить этим так называемым белорусским политикам?
Они не знают,а может и не хотят знать,что кураторы Лукавого находятся в Москве.Поэтому и оказались в роли лохов

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joga, 23:33, 10.04

I AM DISAPPOINTED ABOUT THE ZIGZAG TRACK of MEPs like Jacek Protasiewicz ... the European Parliament was sleeping, when Solana and Ferrero-Waldner tricked Belarus into the Eastern Partnership

1) the EP motion of resolution concerning Belarus (07.01.2009 ) in response to the declarations of the EU Council and the EU Commission - is an evidence, that the European Parliament had no glue, what Solana and Ferrero-Waldner were planning (the MEPs refer to ENP and technical cooperation, except to the Eastern Partnership)

2) Belarus was not mentioned in the speech of Ferrero-Waldner to the European Parliament (12.03.2009) about the Eastern Partnership

3) Belarus was not mentioned in the EU Council report of EU progress in 2008, which was forwarded to the European Parliament on 26.02.2009 - as formally needed information

Dear Mr. Protasiewicz,

you as an 'Belarus expert' as well as your colleagues in the European Parliament are RESPONSIBLE for the violations of human rights in Belarus - as you were in favour of lifting all EU sanctions. You should not be disappointed about the authorities in Belarus, but you should be very concerned about your own carelessness and inconsequence: Za Svabodu is not the only NGO in Belarus, two newspapers cannot be called a free press, the release of political prisoners is JUST an alarming indicator, that POLITICAL REPRESSION is reality in Belarus ... there happend nothing positive at all in Belarus, when you are analysing FACTS !!

Your job was TO BE INFORMED, BEFORE the EU Council and the EU Commission finalized the EaP decision with you and all the other MEPs as YES MEN !! To be disappointed afterwards, has absolutely no meaning, Mr. Protasiewicz. You can draft 1.000s of resolutions more about Belarus - but without a sincere discourse in the framework of the EU - in particular with those, which pushed Belarus inside the EU (in particular the EU Council members of Poland, Sweden, Germany, Czech Republic, the EU Commission and the EU Counicil Secretary General) you will change nothing to the better.

Finally: don't expect the opposition or NGOs in Belarus to react critical towards the EU, when most of them are dependend on EU resources - which means: gain EXPERTISE in REALITY of BELARUS - and don't sing the song of Ferrero-Waldner & Co.

Don't be disappointed about others, Mr. Protasiewicz !! Better think about, what you and your colleagues in the EU Parliament have MISSED TO DO. I hope to read your name again after June.

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Polish visitor, 14:51, 11.04


The real problem of Belasus is that your opposition is uneable to make actions which gives real effects. EU understood that. For now, EU plays with Russia about Belarus, ane Belarussians are noc considered in this game like a side, but more like good which you have to take care.

Your "opposition" is inefficient and incompetent, and can not provide real effects. EU has no real power to influence on Belarus. EU can only offer money in sam programs, but to get in it, EU requires certain actions. This is the only way.

I think, that Mr. Milinkiewicz understood that and he wants to be as close as possible to decision center, which is in europaparliament. This is only one possibilyty to have any influence on Belarus. You are uneable so many years to create real alternative, and the biggest problem in Belarus is not represions, but "opposition".

EU many years tried to work with opposition, but this way was unefficient, so EU decide to work in different way. Is it the best way? I do not thin so. But is there real alternative? No! There is not. There is not real opposition in Belarus.

Belarusian "opposition" is not considered in this game, becouse it can not be. The most important decisions for Belarus are decided in Brussel or Moscow, and Belarusians has nothing to say about that. This is the true. To decide is to do, but
you in your "kolhoz" do not give any sign of actions. Do You realy think, that several demonstrations can be it? If Belarusians has no will to decide, somebody do it for them. That is the way, the wrold is.

Do not cry, becouse Protasiewicz did or did not something. Protasiewicz did a lot, and i think enough. What You did till now?

Everybody can complain, but one can not build anything on complaining. EU makes a lot for Belarus and i think more, than Belarusians...

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