18 сакавiка 2025, aўторак, 6:11
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Хартыя 97!
Каментары 3
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Anatol Starkou, 15:25, 23.06

как они надоели эти "заместители председателя «палаты представителей» «национального собрания»" своей демагогиейб сравнимой разве что с враньем Лукашенки

в 1996 году, с целью не вхождения в Европу, с целью обмана (якобы народ жаждет крови за злостные преступления преступников), Лукашенко провел этот вопрос на референдуме

сейчас, юридически - народ-то проголосовал тогда ЗА, необходимо решение народа, чтобы отменить ЕГО ЖЕ, НАРОДА, МНЕНИЁ-96

дык вось адна закавычка - баяцца яны справядлівых рэферэндумаў, бо за 15 год "падлічваць" галасы "заместители председателя «палаты представителей» «национального собрания» & Co" навычыліся, а дэмакратыі пры іх і пры Лу як не было так і не будзе

баяцца яны справядлівых рэферэндумаў, якія сваім падлікам зноў і зноў узаконяць лукашызм на Беларусі, а не дэмакратыю

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гусь, 17:52, 23.06

...мда туго нашим елапням сейчас жить под другую дудку жить будет

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joga, 19:34, 23.06

I wonder, how Lukashenka could change this point until September 2009 ???

It (the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights) recalls that the changes to the constitution made in 1996 following an undemocratic referendum, which curtail the rights of parliament in favour of unfettered presidential powers, and which prompted the Parliamentary Assembly’s Bureau to suspend the special guest status of the Belarusian parliament, ARE STILL IN FORCE.

Or maybe this:

Belarus has also still not made much progress in the fields of democracy, human rights and the rule of law. In particular, even the most recent parliamentary elections were manipulated in such a way that the opposition is not represented in parliament at all.

But the authorities could start to improve their chances ... as the report says:

Instead, it suggests making use of the excellent list of issues to be resolved by the Belarusian authorities (paragraphs 21 and 22 of the draft resolution) as a standard by which the Bureau should be invited to evaluate if and when the progress made by Belarus can be considered as sufficient in order for the special guest status to be restored.

so dear clever authorities in Belarus: time of fruitless jabbing is over ... now you got a list, which tells you, what to do.

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