Шушкевіч: «Выказаць сваё меркаванне я магу і без асабістай сустрэчы з Горданам»
13- 12.08.2009, 14:04

14 жніўня адбудзецца візіт памочніка дзяржсакратара ЗША па пытаннях Еўропы і Еўразіі ў Беларусь.
14 жніўня адбудзецца візіт памочніка дзяржсакратара ЗША па пытаннях Еўропы і Еўразіі ў Беларусь.
думаю, достойная кандидатура.
Адказацьжаль что УВАЖАЕМЫЙ С.Шушкевич не наш президент - на выборах мой голос был отдан за него
АдказацьЭх Станислав,Станислав.Поступили однажды в политике как на автодороге где действует принцип- дай дорогу дурню и вся страна 15 лет в одном месте.
АдказацьНельзя войти в одну реку дважды.
АдказацьМяркую, што Шушкевіч - годная кандыдатура для часовага ўраду. У яго найвялікшы вопыт кіравання дзяржструктурамі.
АдказацьСтаніславу Станіслававічу трэба ўдзельнічаць у будучых палітычных падзеях як мага больш! Чаго Вам і раю, спадар Шушкевіч!
"Надеюсь, в этот раз они (Ферерро-Вальднер и Солана) будут придерживаться тех обещаний, которые дали."
АдказацьНаивный вы,Станислав Станиславович.Я этим господам-товарищам не верю и вам не советую..А за принципиальность и патриотизм -Спасибо!
Очень уважаю Шушкевича. Мой голос - за вас всегда.
Адказацьжаль что белорусы не выборали С.Шушкевича президентом.
АдказацьПаважены Станіслаў Станіслававіч!
АдказацьА а што Вы маглі паважаць Мілінкевіча раней? Можа за тое, што ўдзельнічаў і не зняў кандыдатуру перад выбарамі ў знак пратэсту, ведаючы чым яны скончацца? І тым прыдаў выбарам больш легітымнасці,
Дай вам Бог силы и здоровье!
АдказацьСнова бы голосовал за Вас.
ПАВЕЛ, Вы - гений!!! Так ёмко оценить новейшую историю в Беларуси ещё никто не мог! Один абзац - и всем всё понятно.
АдказацьКак бы мы жили, если бы лукавый не подставил Шушкевича с ящиком гвоздей ...
Да и был ли ящик :(
forget Benita Ferrero-Waldner: she applied at the UNESCO as chairwoman already in June 2009.
Адказацьseveral days she started a worldwide high gloss campaign to promoter herself for that job.
forget Javier Solana: he announced in July, that he won't be High Representative CSFP anymore
in the end of year 2009
both can tell to the democratic opposition in Belarus, whatever they want - but one thing is clear:
these diplomates won't be the ones the officials of the EU Commission (BFW.) or the Council
with all respect for the democratic opposition in Belarus: you have been fooled ONE YEAR
NOW by the tandem EU/Lukashenko ... the EU prepared the EaP-program since June 2008
and shut up, after elections in September failed to be recognized as democratic and fair
then the EU - in particular Benita Ferrero-Waldner - sold the release of political prisoner
in Europe as a sensation - only for to achieve the travelling ban of Lukashenko and his
elections-2004-2006-henchmen ... does anybody believe, this happend accidently ???
I consider it as EU participation in a crime, where political hostages were traded against
benefits of the one, who took the hostages ... what a disgusting diplomatic business
did Javier Solana raise his voice for politically persecuted people, when he was in Minsk ??
his words were: Thank you very very much, MISTER PRESIDENT (!) ... even when the
Council of the EU did not recognize the presidential elections ... what a shame - as
Mister Solana is SECRETARY GENERAL of the Council of the EU ... but this man
choose to show all of us a brown-nose dive
die Benita Ferrero-Waldner raise her voice for politically persecuted people, when she
was in Minsk? no, she did'nt - but she slept the first time in a 5-star-hotel in Minsk,
while three Belarusian citizens were in jail, who MUST BE CONSIDERED as
political prisoners ...
forget Benita Ferrero-Waldner and Javier Solana ... they had started a race, who is
going to meet the last European dictator for to distinguish themselves ... that's all
the democratic opposition of Belarus must start a massive discourse inside the
country about the meaning of democracy - and how changes of the obsolete
status quo is limiting the potential of all citizens in Belarus
democracy is not a car model, produced in the west ... each modern democracy
in Europe has constructed it's own model, with standards can be compared, but
the each model is constructed democratically
don't look in neighbours garden, dear Belarus - and start to plug, like all other
democracies in Europe did ... find your way to decide democratically, what the
citizens of Belarus would like to harvest - and how much ... don't wait for the
rich uncles from the east or west - learn to stand on your own feet - otherwise
you are going to remain a rich uncle's playing field FOREVER
Dear Belarus: start to become the Belarus, where your children wish to grow up
and where they want to raise their own children ... and stopp handing down debts
to the next generations for to finance your smugness and lethargy
get up on your feet, Belarus !!