16 сакавiка 2025, Нядзеля, 18:38
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Каментары 3
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vcit, 13:51, 4.05

какие профсоюзы они уже все продались луке предприниматели что для вас сделал провсаюз предпринимателей я уже давно не плачу налоги и вам пора забить так на месяцев 6 примерно вот тогда зачешутся они все

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joga, 17:59, 4.05

I wonder why Belarus' authorities still did'nt implement ILO recommendations for last 5 years. For people with reason, there is nothing to disuss on this matter anymore - and therefore - as an EU citizen - I agree with the suspension of EU Trade Preferences as long as recent ILO recommendation are not implemented in full.

It is estimated, that the authorities of Belarus have wasted the chance for to achieve EURO 2 billions (Dollar 2,8 billions) in EU Trade Preferences since 2006. Lukashenko and his Trade Union puppets however choose to tighten control over working people - and limiting their rights.

As a member of Trade Unions, I support the refusal of the Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions to attend formal discussions with the ILO, when the purpose is only a propaganda show of the authorities. What working people in Belarus need, is laid down in clear ILO recommendations for half a decade. Belarus' authorities did nothing for five years - and obviously they are not intending to change anything in their obsolate system. Working citizens in Belarus have to pay for this stubborness.

In general it's a shame that the socio-economic model of Belarus can't comply with international standards anymore. State controlled Trade Unions in Belarus have become a KGB-like organisation which main function has become the ideological control of the working population. They are not worth to be named 'Trade Unions'.

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Рубцов Юрий Михайлович Гражданин Республики Беларусь, 19:43, 4.05

Правильный шаг со стороны независимых профсоюзов. И самое главное чего они должны добиваться это отмены действия Декрета №29.

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