23 February 2025, Sunday, 22:57
the website
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Charter 97!

Kiryl Vasileuski: Charter97.org Remains Last Line Of Defense Of Free Word In Bynet

Kiryl Vasileuski: Charter97.org Remains Last Line Of Defense Of Free Word In Bynet

The activist calls for the support of the independent website.

"Charter97.org today is the last line of defense of the free word in the Belarusian segment of the internet. If we surrender it, there will be no one to write about our problems, protests, disagreements with the authorities' policies. The media which have editorial offices in Belarus, have long been afraid to criticize the regime and write about the opposition. It depends only on us whether the website will continue its work or not. You can support Charter97.org via PayPal - it will take a couple of minutes," Kiryl Vasileuski wrote on his Facebook page.

It will be recalled that on September 3 editor-in-chief of Charter-97 Natallia Radzina announced the threat to informational resource cause by drastic reduction in financing and called readers for solidarity. Ways to support the website:



Bank's name: Bank Millennium S.A.

Address: ul. Stanislawa Zaryna, 2A, 02-593, Warszawa

IBAN: PL 97 1160 2202 0000 0002 1671 1123


Name of the account holder: Fundacja “KARTA ‘97”

Purpose/title of payment: Donation for statuary aims

You can contact us by the e-mail charter97@gmail.com

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