15 марта 2025, суббота, 23:36
Сим сим,
Хартия 97!

Диалог любой ценой


Хотел было поспорить с коллегой Ириной Халип, которая на сайте «Хартии’97» заявила, что в белорусских кенгуру она не верит.

Комментарии 2
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Уй, 13:19, 25.11

Я вот не понял, эти издания уже появились в киосках? Ирина написала, что не верит, что они там появятся. Я тоже не верю. Луке верить - себя не уважать.

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joga, 23:07, 25.11

from my point of view, EU Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner needs to present
any diplomatic success concerning Belarus, and A. Lukashenko helps her a little.
did'nt she present the lifting of the EU travelling ban as an "reward" recently ??

after managing sub-standard elections in Septermber and depriving nine citizens
from freedom, Mrs. Benita Ferroro-Waldner talks about "rewarding" the head of
the regime under A. Lukashenko.

as an European citizen I am very concerned about such a embarrassing policy
towards A. Lukashenko and his henchmen, as an landsman of Mrs. Ferrero-Waldner
I feel deeply ashamed about her attitude towards the head of an authoritarian regime.

in her country of birth, Mrs. Benita Ferrero-Waldner is publicly called by media as
an 'occupational career diplomatist'. A. Lukashenko would need a someone as a
counterpart, which is informed about the reality Belarus.

the liberalisation of distributing two newspaper are not an achievement of the regime.
the question for the EU must be: WHY were and are such newspapers deprived
from these production and distribution channels ... and WHO is responsible for
this shameful facts on the highest level ???

my answer on these questions is clear: responsible are those persons, which were now
"rewarded" by the EU and Mrs. Ferrero-Waldner !!!

all this looks like a secret deal, which follows, step by step, a masterplan - and these
steps are negotiated already between the EU and the Belarusian regime. the release
of Andrei Kim was answered by lifting the ban, the distribution of two independent
newspapers was mentioned by the EU commissioner in the public, before it was
realised already ... what a farce ....

what's next on this masterplan ??? diplomatic support of the EU commission for to
realise a WTO loan for Belarus ???

we just can guess about the next step, at the moment we jus see an 'occupational
career diplomatist' Ferrero-Waldner, which has started playing diplomatic ping-pong
with Aleksander Lukashenko - passing the ball to each other like familiar playmates.

for me this ping-pong smells like betrayal of the victims of the Lukashenko-regime,
and the like betrayal of those which are (and were) fighting upright for democracy
and freedom in Belarus.

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