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Следопыт, 3:02, 15.07

>>>> подделке документов, незаконных операциях с наркотиками и коммерческом шпионаже

не вижу никакой государсвтеннйо тайны здесь.

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Karon von Gerhke, 15:04, 15.07

Prosecutor General Vasilevich has no evidence against Emanuel Zeltser that would stand up in a U.S. or a UK court of law, which is the reason Mr. Zeltser was boarded on Boris Berezovsky's private jet and flown to Minsk with his secretary, Vladlena Funk, on 12 March 2008 versus allowed to return to New York, New York to present the Deed of Appointment and Letter of Wishes appointing Joseph Kay as the executor of the estate of Badri Patarkatsishvili to Judge Richard Sullivan of the United States District Court, Southern District of New York.

Mr. Zeltser's arrest, incarceration, and torture, the latter confirmed by the U.S. Department of State, was orchestrated by Mr. Berezovsky with the consent and knowledge of Inna Gudavadze, the widow of Mr. Patarkatsishvili, and their respective attorney's Michele Duncan and Lord Philip Goldsmith. Mr. Zeltser was offered as a quid pro quo by and between Mr. Berezovsky and President Alexandre Lukashenko, Mr. Berezovsky's last remaining ally in the former Soviet Republics.

Mr. Berezovsky's orchestration of Mr. Zeltser's arrest was a an act of desperation. He is claiming up to fifty percent (50%) of Mr. Patarkatsishvili's stock portfolio. Mr. Kay, whom the Georgian court recognized as the lawfully appointed executor of Mr. Patarkatsishvili's estate, is free to dispose of Mr. Patarkatsishvili's Georgian-owned stock holdings as Mr.Kay determines is in the best interests of the estate. Mr. Zeltser's release from his false imprisonment would enable Mr. Kay to file the Mr. Patarkatsishvili's estate documents in other jurisdictions that would give Mr. Kay control over disposal of the remaining estate assets, including Mr. Berezovsky's assets that he is alleging he commingled with Mr. Patarkatsishvili's assets.

Truth be known, however, Mr. Berezovsky was forced to relinquish his assets to the management control of Mr. Patarkatsishvili following Mr. Patarkatsishvili's reconciliation with President Vladimir Putin. The reconciliation between Mr. Patarkatsishvili and Mr, Putin was facilitated through none other than Andrei Lugovoy, whose innocence Mr. Patarkatsishvili defended to the day his died. It is widely believed by knowledgeable sources the Mr. Berezovsky accusations that Mr. Lugovoy assassinated Alexander Litvinenko at the direction of Mr. Putin, was in retaliation against Mr. Lugovoy for the role he played in that reconciliation.

Mr. Zeltser is a victim of Mr. Berezovsky's revenge against his former business partner, Mr. Patarkatsishvili, who used Mr. Zeltser's services, his U.S. attorney of fourteen years, to secretly executed a Durable Power of Attorney on 4 November 2006 and again on 4 November 2007 to secretly execute a Deed of Appointment and Letter of Wishes because he had lost all trust in Mr. Berezovsky. As attested in Ms. Gudavadze's recent press release, Mr. Berezovsky is neither a friend of the Patarkatsishvili family nor associated with them in business. It was a scathing public indictment of Mr. Berezovsky's true relationship with Mr. Patarkatsishvili and his family, whom Mr. Berezovsky professed to be his closest lifelong friend and business partner.

Mr. Berezovsky turned to his last remaining ally, Mr. Lukashenko, to prevent Mr. Zeltser from rights to due process of law and to prevent him from potentially damaging confidences Mr. Patarkatsishvili shared with him about Mr. Berezovsky when he secretly executed his last will and testament on 4 November 2007 without reference to Mr. Berezovsky or the assets Mr. Berezovsky alleges he entrusted to his management.

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Brian K. Doan, 22:04, 20.07

If the estate documents seized by the Belarusian KGB from Emanuel Zeltser are the forgeries they are alleged to be by Boris Berezovsky's and Inna Gudavadze's attorney Michele Duncan, they would have admitted them into evidence in the United States District Court, Southern District of Nwe York and have been done with it. Badri Patarkatsishvili's estate would have been released into the control of a court administration, and both Berezvosky and Gudavadze would be reaping the benefits from his vast wealth. That the documents that were allegedly seized from Zeltser were either not the forgeries they are alleged to have been and or were not in Zeltser's possossion at the time of his arrest is indicative that his arrest was orchestrated for reasons unrelated to Patarkatsishvili's estate.

No one of sound mind withholds evidence that could release a $12 billion estate, least of all Berezovsky.

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Brian K. Doan , 19:58, 31.07

Strange Bedfellows:

Ina Gudavadze filed a lawsuit in Russia requesting an annulment of Badri Patarkatsishvili's 1997 marriage to Oleg Safonova, the latter of whom born him a son, David. Patarkatsishvili retained Andrei Lugovoy to provide protection services for Safonova and their son. According to Boris Berezovsky, who announced the lawsuit had been filed by Safonova and that she had, in fact, born a son of Patarkatsishvili, Lugovoy is alleged to be cooperating with Joseph Kay on the lawsuit filed by Safonova in the British courts.

Makes for interesting bedfellows: Lugovoy, Britain's Most Wanted, whose innocence Patarkatsishvili defended to the day he died in opposition to Boris Berezovsky, Russia's Most Wanted, that Lugovoy did the deed, coming together and uniting with Patarkatsishvili's distant cousin, Joseph Kay, who executed a Deed of Appointment and Letters of Wishes shrouded in secrecy through his U.S. attorney of fourteen years, Emanuel Zeltser, in which Patarkatsishvili is alleged to have appointed Kay as executor of his vast fortune, a $12billion (USD) fortune that Berezovsky is claiming up to fifty 50% ownership of in what is itself expected to be a protracted and contested lawsuit by Patarkatsishvili's widow, family, and now Patarkatsishvili's second wife Safonova and their son.

Add to this cryptic scenario Berezovsky's premeditated entrapment of Zeltser, which he orchestrated through his attorney, Michele Duncan, when she altered Belarusian authorities nine days prior to Berezovsky flying Zeltser on his private jet into the waiting arms of the notorious Belarusian KGB, that Kay and Zeltser were in possession of forged documents and may attempt to unlawfully lay claim to Belarusian assets, allegedly held in common by Patarkatsishvili's and Berezovsky.

The motivation behind the Berezovsky orchestrating Zeltser's arrest is believed to be to prevent him from his rights to due process of law in a U.S. court of law, where a lawsuit filed by Patarkatsishvili's widow and family, under an Order to Show Cause, require the man Berezovsky arranged to have charged and imprisoned in Belarus to produce the estate documents he was falsely accused of possessing when he arrived at the Minsk airport Berezovsky flew him to on his private jet. The Order to Show Cause has been stayed by U.S. District Court Judge Richard Sullivan until Zeltser's release from the prison in Belarus that his personal physician of fifteen years, and an independent U.S. physician dispatched under a cooperate agreement between U.S. State Department and the Belarusian Foreign Office to examine Zeltser during his incarceration, arrived at the mutual prognosis that Zeltsler would will not survive his incarceration, which lead to the U.S. Department of State to call for his immediate release on humanitarian grounds has fallen on deaf ears.

The orchestration of Zeltser's false arrest and imprisonment, and the torture that has ensued since his imprisonment--torture independently corroborated by the U.S. State Department's Consulate Office and torture alleged to have been administered in the presence of Berezovsky's attorney, Duncan, during a KGB interrogation session of Zeltser she attended on 21 March 2008-- bespeaks legions of the sadistically perverse hypocrisy behind the man who used his ill gotten wealth to establish the International Foundation for Civil Liberties to finance revolutions and coups in the former Soviet Republics in opposition to the leadership of his native Russia, where he stands convicted of heinously egregious crimes against the state, while at the same time professing a belief in democracy, rules of law and a free transparent market.

Under UK law it is a felony crime of perjury to submit false testimony in a criminal investigation that leads to the false arrest, conviction and imprisonment of an individual. The orchestration of Zeltser's arrest occurred on British soil, where Berezovsky enjoys the privilege of refugee status, free from prosecution for crimes of which he stands convicted that are based on allegations made by him with the supporting testimony of members of his entourage of former KGB FSB disinformation specialists, including allegations alleged to have been corroborated of assassination attempts against Berezovsky's life by the now deceased Litvinenko. The witnesses scheduled to testify at Zeltser's trial are witnesses who have been used by Berezovsky to support his fallacious allegations a state sponsored assassination of Litvinenko, the poisoning of then Ukrainian presidential candidate Viktor Yushchenko, and the Belsan School massacre-- all of which he continues to allege was sanctioned by his nemesis President Putin and implemented by the FSB.

Zeltser's arrest is a heinous crime against a U.S. citizen, carried out on British soil, by a Russian refugee, who has used his asylum status to ferment coups and revolutions against the leadership of Russia that he has used to re-ignite the flames of the Cold War era to the detriment of the nations of the Free World. Allow it to stand and the UK would be condoning one and the same violations of rules of law it availed itself to when it granted Berezovsky political asylum for the crimes Berezovsky stood convicted of by his motherland.
Court to hear suit as 'widows' fight for Georgian tycoon's estate
15:41 | 31/ 07/ 2008

MOSCOW, July 31 (RIA Novosti) - A Moscow court is set to examine a suit filed by the first wife of late Georgian tycoon Badri Patarkatsishvili against a woman who also claims to be his wife, a court spokeswoman said Thursday.

Anna Usacheva said the court session was scheduled for August 11.

Inna Gudavidze has demanded that the court annul Patarkatsishvili's 1997 marriage to Olga Safonova as the businessman had married Gudavidze in 1979 and that first marriage was still in effect.

"The marriage between Inna Gudavidze and Badri Patarkatsishvili remained valid de jure and de facto until his death," the plaintiff said in a statement. "Of interest is the fact that Gudavidze learned about Patarkatsishvili's 'second' marriage after his death."

Gudavidze's lawyers said the lawsuit was aimed at clarifying claims to the late businessman's estate.

The estate of Patarkatsishvili, a former business partner of fugitive Russian billionaire Boris Berezovsky, has also been claimed by his distant cousin Joseph Kay.

Some media earlier reported Berezovsky's statement that Patarkatsishvili fathered a son with Safonova, and that she has lodged a suit with a British court pursuing her rights to the estate.

Patarkatsishvili, who was also an opposition leader in Georgia, died at his U.K. home in February 2008. Some estimates put his fortune at $12 billion.

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