15 марта 2025, суббота, 6:38
Сим сим,
Хартия 97!
Комментарии 9
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админ, 18:29, 16.07

Позвольте, а где же крыса титенков, эта жирная тварюга, сжигавшая прилюдно национальный флаг, чьё состояние оценивается в несколько миллиардов,
которая сбежала с корабля в москву в 2000 году, а в период с 1996 по 1999 года занимала должность главы администрации?

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Модератор, 18:38, 16.07

ТИТЕНКОВ Иван Иванович

После победы А.Лукашенко на выборах в 1994 году был назначен управляющим делами президента РБ.
В мае 1995 года после референдума лично «утилизировал» государственный флаг Республики Беларусь, снятый с крыши здания резиденции президента.
В 1999 году освобожден от должности по собственному желанию.
В 2000 – 2001 гг. - начальник управления логистики компании «Итера» (Москва).

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admin, 18:50, 16.07


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MataHari, 20:53, 16.07


the bomb at Slavic Bazar worked perfect. Sheiman, the left hand of Lukashenko,
was cut off from his power with just one strike - and the blow destroyed also his
power structures on highest administration levels. there is no way back for him.

the bomb at Slavic Bazar was constructed perfectly ... it killed no innocent person,
there was no massacre intended with this device. the target was just to blow out
Sheiman from his office. he was the shadow president of Belarus - his structure
was a state in the state. he controlled all law enforcing bodies in Belarus.

Sheiman and his power structure was an obstacle for those people, who will be
the profiteers of the Minsk complot. they can stand in second or third row, but
now they climb up the career ladder in the shadow.

the profiteers of the bomb attack were in a hurry - they realised, that the days of
Lukashenko are count - and then all high decorated officials in law enforcing
bodies will loose their profitable posts in a sudden.


the bombs at Slavic Bazar were constructed perfectly by a professional, who has
the knowhow to produce bombs without forensic traces. where are such people
working in Belarus? the answer is clear.

the bombs at Slavic Bazar show, that Lukashenko was not informed from officials,
that there was an unexploded bomb found by militiamen before the blast - or he
was informed. then Lukashenko is responsible for dozens of innocent victims.

the reputation of Lukashenko in his country is on lowest level ever - and to avoid
loosing his face completely, he pretents to be the strong man. this reaction was
predictable - Lukashenko has become a marionette in this criminal complot.

remember the words of Lukashenko: “Nobody, not a single enforcement agency,
no governmental body will be allowed to retouch or cover up the truth” (Interfax)

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Svolka, 10:02, 17.07

Самый прикол, что большинство этого лехтората переходит из одной колонки в другую.

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XX, 10:15, 17.07

"торричеллиева пустота..."

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stas, 11:11, 17.07

Слуги императора из династии - Шурик I

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Ми, 11:43, 17.07

Ну вот... Козлы отпущения все тута )))

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Ольга, 6:33, 23.07

" - а в друзья, как не садитесь, все в музыканты не годитесь."

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