16 марта 2025, воскресенье, 10:50
Сим сим,
Хартия 97!

Алесь Беляцкий: «Евросоюз не должен бесконечно подвешивать ситуацию в отношениях с режимом Лукашенко»


Вице-президент Международной федерации прав человека и глава правозащитного центра «Вясна» прокомментировал сайту charter97.org решение ЕС продлить и «заморозить» санкции в отношении чиновников РБ.

Комментарии 4
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Гость, 15:34, 17.11

Да, зачетную мысль выразил. правильно.

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joga, 17:06, 17.11

What's the impact of 'For freedom" in Belarus since December 2008 ??

What's the daily circulation of Nasha Niva and Norodnya Volha ??

Europe should face the sad facts and start to fund more dynamic NGOs and media.

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Александр, 20:24, 17.11

Паважаны спадар Бяляцкі.Ніякі еўрасаюз нам нічога не павінен. Хопіць ўжо шукаць "добрага дзядзьку" на Захадзе,ці журыць "дрэннага" з Усхода. Карацей кажучы, -- спасение утопающих -- дело рук самих утопающих. І да таго часу,пакуль мы ўсе гэта не зразумеем, наша жыцце лепш не стане.

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Ales', 22:33, 17.11

Dear Joga:
How do you plan to measure "impact" in numbers?
The namely fact that Ales' Belyackij is staying for his values since (as well as I remember) 1988 is important.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of so called Byelorussians do not share the same attitude.
But democracy is not for everyone. It is good if it is possible to split something. If there is nothing to split it leads to North Korea or Burma.
Baily circulation of above mentioned newspapers are low but they are available on-line.
As about Europe it cares only about sexual minority rights. Since Belarus' sons and daughters are not perverts, they should not count to be unanimously supported in Europe.
Cheer up

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